Sunday 21 April 2013

What food we should EAT and AVOID when we get Eczema.

Last few weeks, i have got eczema on my fingers. The dryness, redness, cracking, flaking and itching skin on my fingers really made me no choice to touch it or scratch it. As we know, the more we touch it, the bigger it will enlarge the rash or maybe it will spread to other part of our body. I didn't see any doctor because I thought that was a very small matter, the rashes are smaller than a size of a 5 cent coin. Until today, they are still dry and itchy.

So today, I tried to search around the Google that what we shouldn't eat when we got eczema. There are many things that cause eczema, one of the causes are from man-made food, convenience food and counter-season food, etc. For eczema patients included me, we must first to know that which type of food that we should avoid. Most of the food today are made with some chemical synthesis, such as saccharine, acetic acid, acid of lemon, essence, synthetic dye, etc. So, all these chemical may cause the food allergy, thus causes the production of eczema.

1. Type of vegetable: Ginger, coriander, turnip, mushroom & green chilli pepper.

2. Type of meat: Beef, mutton, chicken (except free range chicken), duck, pigeon meat.

3. Type of seafood: Most type of fish, crab & prawn. (Suggested to eat pork without fat, eggs & milk)

4. Seasoning ingredients: Aniseed, peppers, fennel, cinnamon, mustard, chilli sauce, rice vinegar, hot pot seasoning, instant noodle seasoning, etc.

5. All type of alcohol.

6. Raw food: fresh onion, fresh garlic.

7. Nuts: Almond, chestnut, walnut.

8. Fruits: Peach, grape, lychee, banana, pineapple, mango and strawberry.

9. Tea.

10. Eat out. (Contains the most seasoning that could worsen the eczema.)

FOUR TYPE of VEGETABLES that are helpful to prevent and control eczema

1. Bitter Melons
2. Tomatoes
3. Garlic chives (normally we could buy it from Asian supermarket)
4. Celery

Wednesday 17 April 2013

4 types of VEGETABLES that can make you 10 years younger!

- Beautiful Skin (from the outside)
Carrots are used as an inexpensive and very convenient facial mask. Just mix grated carrot with a bit of honey. See the full recipe here: carrot face mask.

- Vitamin A and antioxidants protects the skin from sun damage

Other benefits:
- Prevent cancer and reduce the risk of lung cancer, breast cancer and colon cancer
- Increase immune system
- Beneficial for our cosmetology and fitness
- Anti-aging, It help slows down the aging of cells
- Improved Vision
- It’s all in the crunch! Carrots clean your teeth and mouth. They scrape off plaque and food particles just like toothbrushes or toothpaste. (This is my favourite!) Also, The minerals in carrots prevent tooth damage.
- It can remove blackheads. A tomato and avocado mask could be a combination of good skin care products. Tomato works as a repellent substances and reduce blackheads while the avocado oil has antiseptic and moisturizing effect.

- Overcoming the oil in the skin. If you have oily skin, tomatoes is the solution to your suffering. Grated fresh tomatoes strain and add a little cucumber juice. Apply the juice with a cotton ball across the face.

- Shrink large pores. Large pores could be access to the entry of dirt thus causing infection of the pores. Take one tablespoon of fresh tomato juice. Add 2-4 drops of fresh lime juice. Use a cotton ball to apply this mixture on your face. Massage in circular motion. Leave on for about 15 minutes and then rinse with cold water. Regular application will shrink the pores faster.

- Cure sunburn with tomato juice and buttermilk. Mix two teaspoons of tomato juice with four tablespoons of buttermilk. Apply it all over your skin. Leave on skin for a half hour, then rinse gently. 

Other benefits:

- Reduce the risk of cancer
- Disease resistant
- Anti-aging
- Reduce blood pressure as well as beneficial for our cosmetology.
- The high levels of Vitamin C help the immune system and encourages collagen production for the skin to maintain its beautiful glow and elasticity.

- Pumpkin seeds are high in protein and plant based fatty acids, which help to promote healthy skin.

- Contains antioxidant Vitamin A and Vitamin C to help soften and soothe the skin and boost collagen production to prevent the signs of aging. 

- Zinc in pumpkin seeds is brilliant for acne sufferers. Zinc will help control the hormone level and oil production, as well as assist with healing of the skin.

Other benefits:
- It helps with joint health, organ health, stress relief and soft tissue injuries
- Prevent cold and flu
- Prevent xerophthalmia and nyctalopia (night blindness)
- Great source of fiber that to help wash out any toxins and keep your body running smoothly
- Prevent premature aging and cardiovascular disease
- Help regulate cholesterol levels, protect against arthritis, and improve brain function
4. BITTER MELONS / Bitter Gourd
- Acne or wrinkle skin? The chemical or serum within a bitter melon has been known to be used for acne and wrinkles. Because of the antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties this can aid in acne issues.

Other benefits:
- Bitter melon helps diabetics to treat insulin resistant without medication. This can also prevent further diabetic complications that are cause by chronically high sugar concentrations. This can lead to blindness, kidney diseases, stroke, heart attack, and diabetic feet.
- Increase food desire, diuresis (an increase in the production of urine by the kidneys)
- Improve blood circulation, diminish inflammation, bring down fever.
- Boost the immune system
- It helps relief of asthma
- Helps with digestion of food by producing digestive enzymes
- Low calorie and carbohydrate with definitely help with dieting and also strengthen your immunity
- Constipation – It works wonders on constipation without having to cause diarrhea.
- Injury or wounds – It helps with controlling the blood flow to help heal wounds faster and also prevent any infection.

Bitter melon has its benefits and also its side effects.
- Bitter melon is not safe for pregnant women!! You should speak with your doctor before consuming bitter melon, especially if you are pregnant or have diabetes. According to Memorial Sloan-Kettering and ancient Chinese medical traditions, bitter melon is dangerous for pregnant women as it may cause vaginal bleeding or an unwanted abortion. Chances are low but why risk something that can be avoided.

- Bitter melon is also dangerous to people with diabetes, which is a serious illness that requires medical attention. The effects of bitter melon may cause negative interactions with diabetes medications.

- If you are hypoglycemic do not use supplements, eating is fine just maintain a reasonable portion.

- Too much bitter melon or bitter melon supplement can cause stomach pain and diarrhea.

- The seeds of bitter melon have been reported to confer varying levels of toxicity in children, ranging from gastrointestinal distress to death, so you should take care to prepare bitter melon properly when serving it.

Friday 12 April 2013

Hi everyone! My name is Eric Chong. I used to be a graphic designer, now a cake designer. Why am I actually started a blog called Care Your Skin? Honestly, I was actually too curious about many type of different skin problems. So I am here to share my current knowledge and how to take care of our skin everyday.

Our human skin is the outer covering of our body. It could protect our body from many type of bad germs. In some cold countries, our skin could functioned as insulation to protect the lower layer of skin like the underlying muscles, bones, internal organs, etc but of course we still need to wear a jumper or winter jacket for keep ourselves warm. Some damaged skin will heal by forming a scar. So, our human skin is very very important and we really need to take good care of ourselves. Again, that's why I am here try to write or discuss some skin problem.

I am sure everyone in the world is very care about their skin. When we have some skin problems, most of us will feel embarrassing when walking down the street with skin affection and the people who passing by will keep staring at us. So normally what will we do when we have pimples, scars and bruise on our face or body? Most of us are very sensitive with our damaged skin and we will cover them when we go out for shopping. For ladies, they will put more make up to cover all pimples or scars. Some will just stay at home until the damaged skin been recovered. During the recovering period, most of us will not visit skin specialist because of the consultation is cost too much for some low income people. So what they can do is only wait and sit at home until their skin recover themselves. Also, some people have no idea how to take care of their sensitive skin and they will try to search on Google or other search engine to look for the right solutions but there are more than 100 pages with 100,000 of solutions and tips of how to heal their damaged skin and there are too many ways of treatments. Everyday, people suffer with their affected skin. The common skin problems are pimples, rashes, warts, dry skin, cracked heel, scars, and many more. I really feel bad but I couldn't help them one by one.

So I hope that I could do my best here to gather and share all the helpful skin care tips, links and products to share with all of you! Please join me here and lets discuss about skin problems and skin care tips. Thank you!